Get some info about this site.
The main principle and mission.
Here you can find extreme, BDSM, perverted, and ugly porn images, videos, reviews, and interviews. I find that kind of porn very attractive.
- As you can see, I’m not a native English speaker. And my English is very poor. But we don’t study languages ​​here, yep? We enjoy good filthy dirty, ugly, disgusting porn!
- This site supports an anal-only lifestyle, so here you have a small chance to find vaginal intercourse or simple boring vaginal insertions.
- This site supports female submissiveness in the BDSM relationship. So you have a small chance to find male-sub content (but never say never!).
- This site supports Safe, Sane, and Consensual sex. So here we don’t post any kids, real rapes, murders, or other non-consensual violence. And all extreme, gross, bloody, and even race-play content is made with the free will of models.
- A small disclaimer for sensitive persons. You have to understand that race-play and humiliation are acceptable parts of BDSM. All ‘racist’, ‘anti-feminist’, ‘misogyny’, and other such things are used here as a part of a play, but not a part of real life. Site administration supports equal rights for all humans in the world. Including the right to choose a submissive role in ‘bed games’.
- We show some advertising on this website. Remember, that MeatBarn.Club team is not responsible for the advertising content. Ads banners are working automatically from an advertising network.
- All non-original pics and vids were taken from free and open sources, so if we violate any copyrights, please contact us, and that content will be removed.
- Pictures containing this site’s name written on the skin of models or on other objects are made with adult and consent models.
- We accept almost everything, that is legal, except politics, narcotics, minors or animal abuse, real rapes, and other genres that (as we think) are incompatible with the image of a human.
Privacy and safety:
- We use cookies on this site. But not for spying on you. Just Google Analytics, to know which posts are most interesting for you, and cookies that count time, passed after you closed the age verification screen, and time, passed after you closed or clicked the ads banner. It’s done to prevent bothering you with unnecessary screens and banners. If you are still afraid of cookies, you may use anti-ads and anti-tracking software, such as AdBlock Plus, Opera Browser, Tor Browser, and so on, or use the ‘Private Window’ function of your browser.
- We keep the email that you use to authorize the comment form. It is accessible to this site Admin only. For posting comments anonymously, please, use the fake email address in the “e-mail” field of the comment writing form.
We also keep your email when you use the contact form on this site. It is accessible to this site Admin only. If you want to contact the Admin anonymously, please, use a fake email address.
If you want to delete your message, comment, name, or email from this site bases, please write this wish in the comments or via the Contact Form and it will be removed in 24 hours.
Drug-related words are automatically filtered in comments, so try not to use them. Otherwise, the comment could go directly into the trash. - If you want to place your ads on MeatBarn, you’d better write us via the Contact Form, than place spam comments.
Support the site
If you really like this blog, you may donate some. We are going to make some original content and need some equipment.
We also accept user-submitted materials on our site. Of course, you have to be a capable person of the legal age of 18+. Take a picture of yourself at least partially nude with ‘meatbarn.club’ written somewhere on your body. The writing should be on your skin! Holding up signs does count on videos only! The picture should be at least 600 pixels wide, and it should be pretty clear. We don’t want barely visible, crappy photos.
Press here to Contact Us
Have a good time with Meat Barn!
October 22, 2019