Paperbag Slut aka Mypaperbagslut aka MPBS
One of my constant commentators Piperboy asked me about the Paperbag Slut. I wasn’t accurate enough. It’s better to call her ‘My Paper Bag Slut’, or mypaperbagslut. Her name possible is Brooke. She had a Tumblr, but now it’s closed, of course. Here she is, my friends! The most interesting part is about inserting a toilet brush into her cunt. It’s one of the hottest vids I know. Depersonalization, lust, and pain in one. The pics gallery (a lil bit vanilla) is below the vid.
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June 14, 2021
Why is a woman a whore or a slut just because she enjoys sex and has a strong libido?
Are this not exactly the kind of women most men want them to be?
What do you want from me? To post Bible pages here?
Us nasty women like to be called sluts. Personally it makes me so horny to be called a slut and treated like a whore. I guess its a kink of its own
Nice to meet a good slut which knows her place! Being horny from humiliations is a good kink!